Friday 23 March 2018


In the second term I've improved vocabulary and reading comprehension, but I need to improve translation and grammar. I think I need to do  more translation and to understand the grammar better. Outside the English classes I usually help my father, my brother and my mother when they speak in English.
This is our project about OTTAWA, I've worked with Elia.

Wednesday 14 March 2018


Burglar: A person who enter at a house and steal something.
Fraudster: A swindler
Mugger: A person who assaults another person.
Murderer: Someone who kills a person.
Traffic warden: A person who is appointed to supervise a road traffic.
Arson: The crime os deliberately setting fire to property.
Blackmail: An act to frightening someone into making a payment of money.
Drug dealing:To sell drugs to someone.
Forgery: The crime of falsely making or changing writing or a signature.
Kidnapping: To carry off a person by force or trickery.
Smuggling: To convey (goods) secretly and illegally into or out of a country.


Looking forward to: To want to do something.
Argue: To present or state reasons for or against a thing.
Doorbell: A bell, chime, or buzzer connected with a door and rung by persons seeking admittance.
Ballerina: A principal female dancer in a ballet company.
Babysitter: To take care of (a child) while the parents are temporarily away.
Nod: To make a slight, quick bending movement of the head, as in agreement.
Sweat: To perspire.
Cheeks: Either side of the face below the eye and above the jaw.
Scratch: Damage or mark the surface of by scraping with something rough.
Arranged: To place in proper, desired, or convenient order.
Lifting: To move or bring (something) from a lower to a higher position.
Trust: Reliance on the goodness, strengt, or ability of a person or thin
Leaned: To bend or tilt (the body) from a vertical position.
Jealous: Full of a feeling of resentment or anger about someone's success.
Handwriting: A style or manner of writing by hand.
Selfish: Caring only or chiefly for oneself.
Sheets: A large rectangular piece of cotton used for bedding.

Thursday 8 March 2018


Hello! I've worked with Elia, and this is our recipe: Organic yogurt with fruit tartar. In our recipe we have done a little change, instead of put all the fruits at the top, we have put the fruits between the layers. I hope you like it!


  • One avocado.
  • One banana.
  • One apple.
  • Yogurt: This organic yogurt is make because we have put in a fungus called "kefir", that takes all the lactose; so, people who are lactose intolerant can eat them. Advice!: To do this yogurt you have to leave the fungus 24 hours in the yogurt.
  • A raspberry tray.
  • Two kiwis.
  • Sesame seed and pine nuts.
     1. Cut and mush the avocado in an apart bowl, it has to look like a purée. We recommend to mash it with a spoon.

    2. Put the avocado in the glasses.

    3. Cut the apple and the banana.

    4. Strain the yogurt with a non - metallic spoon

    5. Mix all the fruits with the yogur in the glasses
    6. Cut the raspberry lay and the kiwis   
    7.  Mix the yogurt with the raspberries. We recommend you to put a little bit of sesame seeds

    8. Place the kiwi and add a little bit of yogurt, with sesame seeds

    9. To end, set sesame seeds at the top and decorate with some pine nuts, and that's all!