Wednesday 14 March 2018


Looking forward to: To want to do something.
Argue: To present or state reasons for or against a thing.
Doorbell: A bell, chime, or buzzer connected with a door and rung by persons seeking admittance.
Ballerina: A principal female dancer in a ballet company.
Babysitter: To take care of (a child) while the parents are temporarily away.
Nod: To make a slight, quick bending movement of the head, as in agreement.
Sweat: To perspire.
Cheeks: Either side of the face below the eye and above the jaw.
Scratch: Damage or mark the surface of by scraping with something rough.
Arranged: To place in proper, desired, or convenient order.
Lifting: To move or bring (something) from a lower to a higher position.
Trust: Reliance on the goodness, strengt, or ability of a person or thin
Leaned: To bend or tilt (the body) from a vertical position.
Jealous: Full of a feeling of resentment or anger about someone's success.
Handwriting: A style or manner of writing by hand.
Selfish: Caring only or chiefly for oneself.
Sheets: A large rectangular piece of cotton used for bedding.

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